Community Connections for Newcomer Employment
Are you a Newcomer looking to enter the Canadian workforce and not sure where to start?
The Community Connections for Newcomer Employment (CCNE) program provides employment preparation help to newcomers, and connects them with community resources and employment supports to be able to find a job.
The CCNE Program can provide you:
Individualized Needs Assessment.
One-on-one support.
Workshops to help you get ready to work in Canada.
Services provided in your community.
CCNE weekly workshops cover topics such as:
Creating a Canadian Resume
Key Soft skills for the Canadian Workplace
Understanding of the Canadian Workplace Culture
Entering the Canadian Job Market
Know Your Rights Preparing for Employment
To be eligible for CCNE, clients must:
Have lived in Canada for less than 10 years
Be a Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee, Protected Person, Temporary Foreign Worker with a work permit OR a Live-in caregiver.
Contact us today for more information or to register:
In support of the Canadian Francophone Integration Pathway, if you are a member of the Francophone community and seeking settlement and integration support services, please find the available Francophone services in the Ottawa region:
Conseile Economique and Social D’Ottwa-Carleton
Cooperation Integration Canada
Pointe D’accueil Francophone
La-Cite’ Collegialle
Society Economique De L’ontario
Maison De La Fraoncophonie D’Ottawa
Services | Maison de la francophonie d'Ottawa (cmfo.ca)
Return to Employment Services
The CCNE Program is funded by Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada.
Learn More
2529 Carling Avenue, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON
K2B 7Z2
Phone: 613.288.3880
Email: employment.info@pqchc.com
Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM