Medical Clinic Overview
Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre provides services to residents in their own neighbourhoods. Clients have access to a wide range of medical care and health promotion programs that can help you and your family at two primary locations.
Clinic-Client Relationship
We look forward to working with you to help you manage your health.
When you come to the clinic, you can expect:
To be treated with respect and courtesy
To be treated in a professional manner
To receive information which will help you to make informed decisions about your health
To have your personal information kept confidential (within legal limits of privacy and confidentiality) and to have a say in making decisions about releasing personal information
To have access to your personal records as defined in privacy legislation
To make, if necessary, a complaint regarding your care
Clients of the clinic should:
Bring their health card or other health insurance to each visit and show these to the receptionist
Be on time for appointments
Ask questions when you may have them
Be an active participant in your own health care
Treat staff and others in the Centre with courtesy and respect
Be a part of a non-violent, non-abusive environment (no swearing or other threatening behavior)
Respect the Centre’s NO Scent Policy

Important Information
Non-Insured Clients
Until your OHIP is in place the cost of some medical services may be covered. You may be required to pay for other services like hospital fees, ambulance transportation, medications, routine eye exams and physiotherapy etc.
Booking Appointments
Appointments for the medical clinic may be booked by calling 613-820-2001. If you have an urgent or acute need, a nurse will speak to you by phone to determine how to best meet your needs. For a first appointment you will be asked to complete registration paperwork.
If you are having a medical emergency, please go to the nearest hospital or call 9-1-1.
Appointments are required for renewals of narcotics and/or completion of letters or forms.
Missed Appointments
We try to be here when you need us and ask that you attend scheduled appointments. If you do not attend appointments the PQCHC medical clinic may no longer be able to offer you service.
Cancelling Appointments
To cancel or rebook your appointment please call us 24 hours in advance at 613-820-2001. If arriving late to your appointment results in you missing more than half of your appointment time, you will not be seen that day.
Interpretation Services
We provide language interpretation services to our clinic clients for medical appointments. Please let the receptionist know if you require interpretation when booking your appointment.
Medication Renewals
Medications are refilled at your appointments. If you have not done so, please ask your pharmacist to fax the request to our clinic. Please allow five working days for all medication renewals.
Privacy and Confidentiality
If at any time you have questions or concerns about personal health information, the use of this information or the protection of your privacy within PQCHC, please do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your service provider.
Helping Paw Clinic at Woodroffe High School
If you are a student at Woodroffe High School, you are able to access our clinical services at the Helping Paw clinic within the school. For more information, please contact the school at 613-820-7186 or visit their website.