Pre- and Postnatal Health
We know pregnancy and having a new baby can be both exciting and maybe a little daunting. We are here to help you get off to a great start.
Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre offers many free programs to help expecting and new parents get support, education and resources.
Healthy Start Parent Support
PQCHC’s Healthy Start Parent Support Program is offered free of charge to pregnant families and their babies, up to two years old. At PQCHC, we consider the health and well-being of both you and your baby to be very important and we are here for your whole family.
The Healthy Start team includes a registered early childhood educator, dietitian and a nurse-lactation consultant. This team is there to help your family with breastfeeding, maternal nutrition, during and after pregnancy, nutrition for your baby, and parenting support to help your baby grow up healthy and happy. Our staff speak both English and French.
The Healthy Start Parent Support Program also offers fun and educational workshops on topics like:
Making your own baby food
Prenatal breastfeeding
Infant/baby sleep
Infant massage
Attachment (Make the connection)
Breastfeeding Support
Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre runs a free breastfeeding support program through phone appointments or in-person. Your first appointment/consulation is by phone only.
You must book your appointment on-line. Please go to:
If you are unable to book on-line, we can assist you. Please call 613-820-4922 and let our receptionist know you need help to book an appointment.
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (Buns in the Oven)
Eating well and taking care of yourself during pregnancy is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your baby. The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program at PQCHC can help you to have a healthier pregnancy, meet other pregnant women and new moms and have some fun in the kitchen!
Our team hosts weekly sessions where you can make and try easy, delicious recipes and discuss topics related to pregnancy, labour/delivery, and newborn care. Our nurse, dietician, and registered early childhood educator are here to support you in a community setting and get you ready for parenthood.
We can also help with transportation, the provision of food vouchers (every second week) and childcare for your other children.
You are able to register for this program at any point during your pregnancy and stay until your baby is six months old. Our staff speak both English and French.
For more information on Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre’s Healthy Start Parent Support program, please contact 613-820-4922 ext. 3562.
At this time, registration is required for all of our programming. To register please visit our Eventbrite page at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/pinecrest-queensway-community-health-centre-26409651483
Learn More
Call: 613-820-4922 ext. 3604